The South Green platform is a local network of scientists gathering Bioinformatics skills based on the Agropolis campus that hosts research institutes such as CIRAD, IRD, INRA, SupAgro, Bioversity international as well as the CGIAR consortium.
Based on this strong local community in the field of agriculture, food, biodiversity and environment, this network of national and international scope, develops bioinformatics applications and resources dedicated to genetics and genomics of tropical and Mediterranean plants. South Green relies on the computer technical platforms of its partner institutes.
The objectives of South Green are:
Promote the original tools from methods developed within the network,
Propose a single web portal for access to the tools developed by the network,
Promote exchange and collaborative developments within the network,
Promote interoperability developed within the network applications,
Provide training for biologists and bioinformaticians,
Ensure the maintenance and development, infrastructure and software applications via requests for funding in partnership,
Promote high quality process within the network (e.g. certifications),
Promote South Green visibility at the national and international level.